
How to earn money online using Pinterest?

Pinterest is an online platform that is widely used to share images (a bit like Instagram). However, it is not that famous in India. Most of its users are in countries like USA, UK, Australia.

In this article, we will learn how to use this platform to boost our business or earn a few bucks online.

Table of Contents
  • Setup your Pinterest account
  • Grow your Pinterest account
  • Earn money from Pinterest account

Setup your Pinterest account

The first step is obviously to setup your Pinterest account. Thereafter you may create various boards. For example, if you have two websites, one on travel and another on photography, then you may create two separate boards for them.

Then you may start sharing images related to your niche, i.e. you may pin images to the respective boards. For example, if you are a photographer, then you may share photographs; if you are a graphic designer or a cartoonist, then you may share cartoons and animations etc.


You may pin your own images, or others' images that are available on Pinterest.

You should definitely have a Pinterest account and probably Instagram account too, if your work is anyway related to images. Say you own an image website, wherein you upload pictorial quotes. You may upload those images to Pinterest too and divert traffic from there to your website.


As a big amount of traffic that you will get on Pinterest will be from countries like USA, UK and Australia, your earning will also be a lot. So, you will get good quality traffic via Pinterest. You may redirect some of this traffic to your website or YouTube channel and give a boost to those online assets too.

Such traffic is good for earnings from AdSense, and Affiliate marketing, as pay per view/click is good, and it has been observed that they also tend to buy things, rather than just window shopping.

You may also get some good quality backlinks from Pinterest, which will help you in your Website/YouTube SEO. But to do so, don’t forget to share the URL of your Website/YouTube channel/Instagram account along with the images you pin to your boards.

Grow your Pinterest account

Just as any other social media account, two things are essential to gain and increase your followers on Pinterest:

  • Great content, i.e. good quality images (with some text, if any).
  • Consistency, regularity in uploading and patience.

Apart from this, you may also use some tricks and techniques.

Find people interested in your niche

You should search for other Pinterest accounts and boards that are related to your niche. Explore Pinterest a bit and try to identify a few accounts with good number of followers.

Say, you have a Pinterest account on SVG images, and you find another account in your niche that has say 10k followers. Then it’s pretty evident that these 10k people must be somewhat interested in SVG images. So, you may go ahead and follow some of them. In my experience, we generally get one follow back, for every 3 follows that we do.


At a time, you may follow around 300 people. After that Pinterest bans you temporarily from doing any more follows. But you may again start following people after 45 minutes or so.

However, it’s a risky technique - to follow so many people so soon. It will be better if you can grow your Pinterest board organically.

Earn money from Pinterest account

You may divert your Pinterest traffic to your other online assets and boost your income from those. But let us just focus on the various ways that allow us to earn money by using Pinterest alone.

However, note that Pinterest won’t pay you directly like YouTube or Facebook. But you can make use of this awesome social media platform to earn money indirectly.

Affiliate Marketing

You may share your affiliate marketing links on Pinterest, e.g. Amazon affiliate marketing links. You will get a commission if someone buys something via your affiliate link.

Sell your product or service

If you have some product or service of your own, then you may sell them too. Moreover, Pinterest is a pretty good platform for brand building.

Run Ads

You may get sponsorships from businesses and ad agencies to run their ads on your Pinterest board, especially if you have a lot of followers. You may also reach out to companies in your niche, that you know have been doing social media marketing.

So, now you know how to use Pinterest to earn money or for promoting your business/brand. Do explore this option. It’s a platform that still remains unexplored by many business owners and even digital marketers.

If you already have, then let us know your experience in the comment section down below.

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